Wednesday, January 16, 2013


A few years ago I determined to work on exhibiting the fruit of the spirit. I decided self-control was a fruit I had not fully eaten and been satisfied with, so I would take each day to work on it along with one other portion of fruit, such as kindness or gentleness. To say it was an epic fail on my part would be an understatement. My discipline in cultivating this area only lasted a short while and then petered out. There are a few areas in which I tend to lack sufficient self-control and discipline, allowing for distraction and my own selfish desires to take precedence. What I have only recently come to realize is where I have no self-control, I also don't have love, joy, patience, peace, kindness, gentleness and faithfulness.

Every translation of the bible I have (which is only a few) speaks of the fruit of the Spirit in the singular, meaning they are all in one. So, what I have found is if I don't have one in an area, I don't have all. I gave some thought to this a few weeks ago, but put it out of my mind until it boldly smacked me upside the head this morning. 

How we sometimes need those blatant reminders?! How I often need a reminder! I have been on a journey for the last few years (notice I said years) to lose weight. This journey has been long and arduous with little to show for it. As I was smacked reminded this morning about it, I realized it's my own fault for not fully understanding how important self-control is. I saw my human frailty  and how selfish I have been for wanting to satisfy my taste-buds and not nurture my body the way I should. Food has become an idol, of sorts, to me and it's time to break the idol of food, consuming it as nourishment for my body and not my soul.

When I put food in my mouth just because I want it, not because I need it, I am not only lacking self-control, but I have no joy in it, nor am I being loving and kind to my body. All I am focused on is satisfying myself. Guilt has a way of overshadowing spiritual fruit and it really does rob joy. How can I function properly if I'm stuffing my face and feeling guilty? I can't! 

It takes a new mind and heart-set to begin to fully understand and walk in Spiritual fruit. I believe when we walk in it one area, it will become easier to walk in it in others. In answer to my revelation today, I am taking over my thought process and changing it. I am going to get to the root of my selfish problem so I can begin to walk upright and with confidence. I cannot change on my own, but need to rely on the Lord to give me strength. 

Today, I declare I am walking in the fullness of the fruit of the Spirit, and not in part! When I put my hand to my mouth with food in it, it will be because I need to nourish myself and not because I think I need it and will die without it! 

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things (Galations 5:22-23 NLT)!

A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls (Proverbs 25: 28).

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